Sunday, November 23, 2008


Last night Tech Showed their true colours. They were over rated. 65 to 21 it was a great game. I will be the first to admit that i thought it would be closer but I am also glad that it was not. Now we have to wait and see Texas beat OU,Tech beat Texas, OU beat(killed) Tech. I believe that OU is Playing better football than Texas at the moment and is the best 1 loss team. The coaches think Florida is the best 1 lose team. What do you think. I is going to go down to the wire. God I love Football. Go Sooners beat them Cowboys. My Pick Three best teams in Order
1 OU
2 Texas
Time will tell.

Gang Out

Clint Black from "Put yourself in my shoes"

1 comment:

Ken Duck Geraths said...

Well of course your wrong!
2. ou uo what ever there are
then number three is the Buffalo Bills!