Monday, November 3, 2008

The day the earth stood still. And then?

I don't know if it was the time change or what, but holy crap was this a long day or what. I got up at my normal 4:30 am got to work at 6:15 and I think that was when it happened time stopped. Of course I had a terrible case of the youn'ts ( Youn'ts = you don't want to do nothing ) and that did not help matters. Hell I slept drove to the office and every one wanted to take off early I heard 4 different excuses today. As follows

1. My stomach hurts can I go home early i think the fish that i brought from home was bad.

2. I had a Halloween party and my dog bit one of the kids. the mother took her to the doctor and now i have to go to my vet and pick up the shot records for my dog because they are calling animal control

3 My ex boyfriend kicked in the door to my apartment and I had him arrested I have to go and make sure they fix my door.

4 I have an eye doctor appointment

At least number 4 she ask me on Friday if it was OK so it was not a surprise.

For me 2 and 3 are the best 2 is the most original and gets best excuse of the day

I have nobody to blame but myself I was the one who gave up my nice sales job to become management (stupid stupid stupid) now I a glorified babysitter as well. Someday maybe I will tell the whole story more than likely not. Well starting to sound like i am bitching an that means I am getting sleepy.

Gang out

1 comment:

Ken Duck Geraths said...

LMAO, Thats what you get. I took a manegment spoy but was smart about it. One person over me and none under me....of course I was like the 4th one ley go...right after the one over me