Monday, December 29, 2008

Wii Wii

Well the Wii fit program has been put on hold again. We gave the Wii fit to my Stepson and his girlfriend to take back to London with them. We bought him a Wii for Christmas and we were not sure he would want to haul it back with him. Well he did so we gave him our Wii fit also. So now I have to wait until the stores start to restock. I do not mind my Stepson and his girlfriend are worth it. So my Wii program will be on hold for a couple of weeks. I got my new camera and can now start with the pictures again. All will start after the new year. Golf tomorrow and not back to work until Jan 5 2009. Life is good.

Gang OUt

1 comment:

Ken Duck Geraths said...

Hey, I want to see them pictures, but my net is still down. You can't bitch to much when you have had it for free for the last year or so. I am looking in to a new service (one I have to pay for) so I maybe out for two to three more weeks. Hey that was a good game down there this last sunday!!